Transition period for the evaluation criteria for plastics and other organic materials in contact with drinking water must be extended

Frankfurt/Düsseldorf/Cologne, 20 April 2020 

The global spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus is hitting society and the economy hard. The long-term consequences of the corona pandemic are not yet foreseeable. Many companies are facing major challenges in maintaining their business operations. At the same time, binding legal requirements must be met. However, meeting them in a timely manner presents entire industries with almost insurmountable challenges. Specifically, this also affects the manufacturers of products in contact with drinking water.

In a joint statement, the German associations "Bundesverband der Deutschen Heizungsindustrie e. V. (BDH)", "Bundesvereinigung der Firmen im Gas- und Wasserfach e. V. (FIGAWA)", "PlasticsEurope Deutschland e. V.", "Verband der Deutschen Wasser- und Wärmezählerindustrie e.V. (VDDW)" and "Verband Deutscher Maschinen- und Anlagenbau e. V. Fachverband Armaturen (VDMA)" call on the legislator to extend the deadlines.


As of 21 March 2021, the "Evaluation criteria for plastics and other organic materials in contact with drinking water" published last year by the German Environment Agency will become binding after a transitional period of two years laid down in the Drinking Water Ordinance.

requirements of the evaluation criteria and are therefore suitable for use in drinking water may be used for the construction or maintenance of installations for the production, treatment or distribution of drinking water.

The recommended assessment procedure includes confirmation of conformity by a certification body. However, the responsible certification bodies have already announced that the audits and inspections in the companies necessary for the procedure will be suspended until further notice and that the corresponding certifications cannot be granted for the time being.

Volker Meyer, figawa's general manager:

"Against this background, it is absolutely necessary to extend the transitional period until the binding entry into force of the evaluation criteria for plastics and other organic materials in contact with drinking water until 31.12.2022! By implementing an extension, unfair hardship could be avoided - to protect especially small and medium-sized enterprises."

The full statement is only available in German.