Press releases


figawa is a technical-scientific association with over 275 member companies, particularly manufacturers and service providers, operating in the fields of gas, liquid fuels, and water. The industry association brings interests together, promotes uniform and demanding standardization and is involved in legislative processes to create the basis for approval, testing and certification, and to ensure legal certainty for all market players.

Together with its member companies, figawa advocates for openness to technology in the heat and water supply sector and for the transition from fossil to climate-neutral fuels in Germany and Europe.


Press mailing list

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Media partners

We communicate our topics with various media partners. Figawa is represented on the advisory boards of the following media.



Magazine for pipeline construction, well construction and geothermal energy


gwf – Gas | Energie

Technical-scientific journal for gas supply, gas use and gas industry

gwf – Wasser | Abwasser

Technical-scientific journal for water abstraction and water supply, water protection, water purification and waste water technology