Climate-neutral hydrogen and products based on it offer a wide range of applications and can make a substantial contribution to the decarbonization of all sectors and the use of renewable energy.
As an association for companies in the gas and water sectors, fi gawa has been closely following the political developments around the topic of hydrogen, but also the broader discussion on energy effi ciency, for years.
Work on hydrogen technology across sectors
In figawa, manufacturers along the hydrogen value chain are represented who are active in the gas sector in particular. At figawa, the topic
of hydrogen is dealt with across all sectors and examined from production to transport and distribution to use.
The focus of the use of hydrogen is strongly on the heating market. But other areas of application, such as gas networks, mobility, etc., are also included in the considerations. Products and components of the gas sector are the focus of the joint work.
figawa Hydrogen Project Group
The figawa Hydrogen Project Group coordinates the work and serves as a working and discussion platform for dealing with interdisciplinary topics. The focus is on identifying key topics according to specialist areas and fields of work along the hydrogen value chain.
Tasks and topics:
- Substances and materials – Metallic materials and plastics – Suitability for hydrogen
- H2-readiness of existing products
- Co-operation and contribution to testing principles for products with hydrogen/methane mixtures and pure hydrogen
- Co-operation and contribution to standardisation and regulation
- Development of R&D approaches to answer open questions
- Actor/stakeholder in research and demonstration projects
- Technical communication on hydrogen issues
- Bundling the interests of the figawa, grzi and VHB associations

Technical officer - Gas department
Arne Gmerek, M.Sc.
+49 221 270799 09