figawa provides a platform for information exchange for manufacturers of gas-powered appliances, process systems and their components as well as industry-related service companies. It represents the interests of the groups involved in the regulatory field. The national and European regulations are designed jointly.


ISO TC 161 – Internationalisation of standardisation and rules

Global standards for combustion control systems

The updating and harmonisation of CEN standardisation and the internationalisation of standardisation in ISO and IEC for combustion control systems should ensure a high level of safety and quality for the European market and the global market.


Harmonisation of gas standardisation against the background of the GAR changeover

With the publication of the EU Gas Appliances Regulation (2016/426) (GAR) on 31 March 2016, a new regulatory framework was announced for major products that use gas. The new regulations came into force on 21 April 2018 and replaced the previously applicable EU Gas Appliance Directive (GAD).

All standards published within the scope of the GAD since around 2010 must now be revised.


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