Figawa welcomes the results achieved so far in the ongoing legislative process to recast the EU Drinking Water Directive, already in force for over twenty years (‚Directive 98/83/EC on the quality of water intended for human consumption‘).
Against the background of the recent European elections and the resulting changes in the composition of the Parliament and the Commission, figawa calls on the institutions involved to continue the legislative process with the same political commitment and will in the upcoming legislative period to further improve drinking water quality and strengthen the level of protection for consumers across the EU.
In particular, figawa supports the complete harmonisation of hygiene requirements and test methods for all materials and products in contact with drinking water at European level and calls on the EU institutions in the forthcoming trilogue negotiations to further specify the specifications for microbiological parameters in order to be able to counter the increasing threat to human health posed by micro-organisms.
The detailed position paper of figawa is available for download.