Ozone for water treatment
Versatile against germs and organic contaminants
Ozone is a strong oxidizing agent. Due to this property, ozone is widely used in water treatment, both in drinking water treatment, swimming pool water treatment and also in aquaristics, ozone has a disinfecting effect on organic compounds and effectively removes bacteria and viruses. The compounds decomposed by the ozone are biodegradable and the unused ozone after the decomposition reaction decomposes automatically to oxygen. Ozone generators are also used for air purification.

Technical officer - Water department
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Aharon Weiß, M.Sc.
+49 221 270799 13
Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOP)
In so-called Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOP), ozone is used for wastewater treatment. Difficult or non-degradable compounds are converted into stable, degradable compounds. Other areas of application include surface treatment in production to remove impurities or to increase polarity before painting.
Due to the instability of ozone, it is necessary to produce it directly at the point of use, in-situ. Ozone has a biocidal effect and is therefore considered a biocidal product in accordance with Regulation (EU) No. 528/2012 (Biocidal Products Regulation) and is subject to authorisation.
Standardization for ozone generating plants
The corresponding standard for ozone generation plants DIN 19627 was extensively revised under the auspices of the members of the figawa Working Group Ozone and was published with a new title at the beginning of 2018.
To support the approval procedure according to BPR and to standardize the requirements for ozone generation plants in Europe, the members of the figawa Working Group "Ozone" developed an European draft standard based on DIN 19627.
The draft was presented to the relevant European bodies in order to develop a European standard based on it - with success. In 2019, the parent European standardization body CEN TC 164 "Water supply" decided to establish its own working group for the standardization of in-situ systems - the new WG 16 "In-situ generating and dosing devices of biocides for water treatment". Here, a series of European standards for the in-situ generation or dosing of biocides for water treatment are to be developed, including for ozone.
As a German mirror committee, a DIN working group was established, NA 119-07-13-01 AK "EN for devices for in-situ generation and dosage of biocides for water treatment".